Friday, December 11, 2009

beautifully chaotic: What I learned today...12/10/2009

beautifully chaotic: What I learned today...12/10/2009: "Sleeping babies feel fantastic cuddled up next to you!
I should go see my new nephew more.
39 hours of no sleep, plus Jaylin getting up every two hours when I did lay down, makes for a very exhausted morning.
I am no good at meetings on no sleep.
I have neglected the socks in the house.
You can fill a washer with socks.
Olive oil and brown sugar, instead of soap, makes dry skin feel amazing, and you smell like cake!
Sleep deprivation elevates my normal depression issues.
While Mia will rip the new dogs throat over a stuffed frog, She still cowers from Alfie (the 10 lb cat)!
In the world of Mia and kitties, the kitties still get the food!!!!
You can learn a lot by 11 am."

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