Saturday, December 05, 2009

what I've learned today....

Beef stew is not a good substitute for my weight gaining meatballs for Vega.

Two stupid dogs will fight over their own dog vomit.

I can sleep thru most anything.

The quickest way to end your victorious battle in the pissing war, is to thank Jesus it has been nine days free of pee in your house.

Sick and Mom having a night out was just too much for Ms Jaylin...bring on the pee.

It is incredibly defeating to go so long and then wake up to that.

I enjoy purposefully misspelling words because I am so anal retentive about spelling.


Adding Gain fabric softener is fantastic in homemade laundry detergent.

My genius child has a C in math. She is soooo grounded!

I misssssss dancing.

This she says as she listens to Mario.

God can repair any relationship.

Microwaved doughnuts are the shiznat!

Raccoons are not scared of anything, hmmmm our tenacity must rub off on the wildlife.

Peace fockers!

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