Monday, February 08, 2010

What I've learned today 02/08/2010

I do not like surround sound, it bugs my ears for some reason.

There are people God has surrounded me with, who hold me up when I am too tired or willing to do on my own.

Smoked pizza is the shiznat!

If you little white child washes her hair in your black neices hair conditioner, it will take atleast three days to get out...not that it's out...I'm just starting a count.

Dish detergent does not help with greasy headedness.

I'm ridiculously honest. I talk to much, tell to much, but in general I feel it does two if I know someone knows what I'm struggling with, I think twice before I do it. And two, time and time again I am contacted by people who struggle with the very same things.

has been sent into my life at a time when I most needed reminding of the ins and outs of parenting the attachment challenged! She wrote and sings the most amazing song about the things we struggle with, it's called What you do with pee.

I am one resilient little focker!

My whispering is giving Jaylin a headache.

If given the opportunity, I can sleep till 1 and still be sleepy!

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