Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cross the Street

One of my friends wrote this and I wanted to share. She is also an amazing artist, check her out when you can: Christie Council

"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

I also read this last night from a story about a woman, Christine Caine, and how God called her to work to stop sexual slave trafficking. Caine says God clearly spoke to her through Luke 10. “While I was so troubled by what I had seen, I was still thinking, I am the Good Samaritan,” she explains. “But then God clearly said to me, ‘No ... you are the Levite and the priest in the story who walked to the other side.’ And then it hit me: The Good Samaritan gave of his time, talent and treasure.

“It was then I felt the Holy Spirit saying: ‘You know, Christine, most of My church thinks they are compassionate because they cry or, like you, they feel bad when they see injustice. That’s not compassion—that’s just emotion. Compassion is when you cross the street.’” LET'S CROSS THE STREET CHURCH!!!!!!!

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