Attachment Disorder Within the Foster
Care and Adoption System
The relationships formed in early infancy
and childhood create the framework from which all future relationships will be
played out. The cement that holds this framework together is called attachment.
When children enter the foster care and or adoption system, the bond that was
previously formed is broken. At times this occurs due to a birthparents choice
to place their child for adoption, but more often this results from abuse or
neglect. This abuse or neglect can lead to the development of various forms of attachment
disorder. Attachment disorder is a serious psychological illness that without
intervention can lead to detrimental and lifelong effects. Children in the foster care system are at
higher risk for developing this serious illness and care should be taken to not
only understand the disease, but to also find ways to help treat it’s effects.
Abuse and Neglect Statistics
The numbers regarding child abuse in the
United States are staggering. The National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System
(NCANDS) reports that most states recognize four major types of abuse that
includes: neglect, physical abuse, psychological maltreatment, and sexual abuse
(Child Welfare Information Center, 2010). Neglect is a passive form of abuse in
which the victim’s needs are not met by their caregiver (Goldman, Salus,
Wolcott & Kennedy, 2003). Physical abuse is when physical force is used to
cause harm, physical pain, injury or other bodily harm to the child (2003).
Psychological abuse is also known as verbal or mental abuse and usually
involves a parent behaving in a way that conveys a feeling of worthlessness to
the child (2003). Sexual abuse is sexual behavior with a child that may include
fondling, intercourse, rape, incest, sodomy, exhibitionism, sexual
exploitation, or exposure to pornography (2003). Using this definition of
abuse, they estimate that there were approximately 695 thousand new reports of
abuse in 2010. Of those new reports of abuse, 78.3% suffered neglect, 17.6%
suffered physical abuse, and 9.2% suffered sexual abuse. Those reports of abuse
resulted in over 250 thousand children entering the foster care system, only
half of which later returned home. Consistently there are about 400-500
thousand children who are in the foster care system at any given time (Child
Welfare Information Center, 2010).
While the statistics show that there is a
high prevalence of abuse, Johnson, 2004, points out that the numbers could be
even higher as in order to be able to identify abuse, researchers and
clinicians need to be able to know who and what to be looking for (Johnson,
2004). Training in recognition of the signs and symptoms of attachment disorder
could help improve these numbers as they often point to a larger problem in a
child’s family of origin.
According to national statistics,
children who grow up in foster care face a bleak future without effective
intervention. Forty to fifty percent of children in the foster care system will
never complete high school. Without parents to encourage and support them, many
lose interest. The other more maladaptive behaviors caused by attachment
disorder lead them to thoughts and actions that constantly destroy the world
around them. The statistics concerning those children who age out of foster
care are even more disturbing, over 66% will be homeless, go to jail, or die
within one year of leaving the foster care system (Vacca, 2007).
It seems contradictory that a child who
is removed from a home of abuse or neglect would not automatically change
behaviors, especially those that prove maladaptive in their new environment. In
order to understand this, one must look at the nature of attachment theory.
Overview of Attachment
Theory and Attachment Disorder
In order to understand attachment
disorder, one must first know what attachment is. Feldman, 2011, calls
attachment the “positive emotional bond that develops between a child and a
particular, special individual” (Feldman, 2011, p.179). John Bolby first
explored attachment theory in the 1930’s as he studied the effects of maternal
loss and a child’s later ability to form relationships (Ainsworth, 1989). Bolby
believed that attachment was a biological function that allowed for an infants
survival, and provided the means for protection, comfort, and support (Ainsworth,
1989). It is vital that children have a secure base from which to explore the
unfamiliar world around them. Aside from this, Chapman, 2002, describes the
benefit of attachment, “Attachment with a parent provides the setting in which emotional
responsiveness, behavioral purposefulness, cognitive understanding and language
development occur (2002).”
develops in a cyclical process. During the first few years of life an
attachment cycle occurs which builds a child’s level of attachment. The
attachment cycle is most commonly presented as occurring between birth and age
two (Feldman, 2011). Essentially, an infant will express a need, and the manner
in which that need is met determines the cycle of bonding that will occur
(Ainsworth, 1989). In healthy bonding cycles, an infant expresses a need and
their parent meets the need. In turn, the infant is comforted and learns that
the world is a safe place and is able to trust and thus bond with the caregiver
(Attachment Disorder Site, 2013).
the disturbed attachment cycle, an infant expresses a need and that needs is
met inadequately, if at all. When the need is left unmet, the infant learns
that the world is not a safe place and trust does not develop. Without trust,
bonding cannot occur. (Attachment Disorder Site, 2013)
process is repeated many times over during the first years of a child’s life.
In the beginning the needs are primitive but become more complex as the child
gets older. In time, “the infant begins to organize these expectations
internally into what Bolby has termed working models of the physical environment,
attachment figures, and himself or herself” (Ainsworth, 1989).
attachment cycle produces three types of attachment: secure, resistant, and
avoidant (Ainsworth, 1989). Securely attached children have a solid base from
which to explore the world around them (Ainsworth, 1989). They are confident
because their caregivers have provided loving, consistent, sensitive, and
responsive care in response to their needs (Inge, 1992). When a child is unsure
if their needs will be met, they display a resistant attachment. This is
usually related to having parents who respond inconsistently to their needs
(1992). Children suffering from avoidant attachment have learned that their
needs will be met with rejection (1992). When they expressed a need, their
parent rejected their cry for help or attention (1992). After awhile, the child
learns it is hopeless, if not dangerous to continue to express their needs.
When The Cycle is Broken
When children enter the foster care
system, regardless of the reason, they experience separation from their
attachment figure. Under normal circumstances a child is later comforted
following the separation from their attachment figure (Conners, 2011). When
children are taken from their primary caregiver, they are typically placed
within a foster home or other care facility. The new caregivers may or may not
be adequate, but even at their best; they are not the person who the child is
attached to. A break occurs that the child cannot repair.
The break in attachment is further
exacerbated by the abuse or neglect that the child experienced prior to
entering care. It is therefore no coincidence that there is such a high
prevalence of attachment issues within the foster care system. It is important
to note that children who display insecure or disrupted attachment behaviors do
not necessarily have attachment disorder (Greenburg, 1999). However, there is a high prevalence of
attachment disorder among children in the foster care system. Zeanah,
Scheering, Borris, Heller, Smyke, and Trapani (2004) found that approximately
38-40% of children met the diagnosis criteria for attachment disorder (2004).
What Attachment Disordered Children Look
Because of the severity of what happens
when children live within the foster care system, it is imperative to look at
the symptoms of attachment disorder in relation to the outcomes of children
within the foster care system. A child’s inability to form normal and healthy
relationships leads to a host of behaviors that range from maladaptive to
dangerous. Nancy Thomas, 2005, has written list of symptoms for attachment
disorder in her book, When Love is Not
Enough. According to her, the symptoms for attachment disorder include the
superficially engaging and charming, lack
of eye contact on parents terms, indiscriminately affectionate with strangers,
not affectionate on parents’ terms, destructive to self, others and material
things, cruelty to animals, lying about the obvious, stealing, no impulse
controls, learning lags, lack of cause and effect thinking, lack of conscience,
abnormal eating patterns, poor peer relationships, preoccupation with fire,
preoccupation with blood and gore, persistent nonsense chatter, inappropriately
demanding and clingy, abnormal speech patterns, manipulative, triangulation of
adults, false allegations of abuse, presumptive entitlement issues, and or,
parents appear hostile and angry (p.19).
If one compares the symptoms of
attachment disorder, with the known problem behaviors of children in foster
care, it becomes very clear that there is a strong link between the disorder
and the behaviors of these children.
It is important to note that there has
been much debate as to how and why pathogenic care affects one child and not
another, as not every child who is abused or neglected develops attachment
disorder. There is some evidence that “a child’s temperament and the specific
neurological consequences of chronic or severe maltreatment may influence the
way a child responds (Haugaard & Hazan, 2004). Some children simply fair
better under pathogenic care.
Diagnosis of
Attachment Disorder
Diagnosis of attachment disorder is at
times difficult because there are so many comorbid conditions that appear with
these children (Hall & Geher, 2003). Children with attachment disorder
often end up with a list of other diagnosis that when further examined are
encapsulated entirely within the attachment disorder symptom list. This is
because the children fluctuate in their behaviors and behave differently
depending on whom they are dealing with. One provider may see different
symptoms that another provider does not ever notice (Hall & Geher, 2003).
Haugaard & Hazan, 2004, also point to the fact that the list of symptoms of
attachment disorder is so broad that it may at times be over diagnosed (2004).
Specifically the DSM-IV requires
that children diagnosed with RAD have histories of pathogenic care, meaning experiences
of parental abuse and neglect or lack of a consistent caregiver (Hardy, 2007).
Because of this, it is logical that children most affected by attachment
disorders are those within the foster care system.
Intervention and treatment
Knowledge of the disorder and it’s cause
can help professionals and future caregivers lesson the blow and promote
healing of those attachment breaks which could lead to a lessoning of the
disturbing statistics concerning life after foster care.
The first step in the treatment of
attachment disorder is diagnosis. Since there is not a single, comprehensive
tool for diagnosis, clinicians oftentimes utilize a variety of tools that when
combined encapsulate most if not all of attachment symptoms. Sheperis, Doggett,
Hoda, Blanchard, Renfro-Michel, Holdiness, & Schlagheck, 2003 recommend
using several reputable assessment tools in addition to parent and child
interviews, intelligence tests, and comprehensive psychological histories. The
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) is designed to asses for abilities and
behaviors in a standard format as well as differentiate between children who
have and have not received mental health care in the past (2003). The Behavior
Assessment System for Children (BASC) is used to assess clients for emotional
and behavioral disorders (2003). The Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory (ECBI) and
the Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory are used to determine the severity
of conduct related behaviors of children between the ages of 2 and 17. The
Randolph Attachment Disorder Questionnaire is used to determine the severity of
RAD specific symptoms, but it must be noted that it is not specific to the DSM
IV criteria for attachment disorder. The Reactive Attachment Disorder
Questionnaire does include the DSM-IV criteria and is used as well by Sheperis
et al, 2003 in their diagnosis of attachment disorder.
Once a child is diagnosed, a treatment
program must be started. The goal of attachment therapy is to give the child a
“source of emotional security, opportunities for corrective social experiences,
and better social skills” Haugaard & Hazan, 2004. While individual therapy
is important, because attachment disorder involves their ability to make and
form relationships, the relationships in the child’s life must be created and
nurtured. For the child in foster care, this means helping them to learn to
bond with their foster parent. There has been a great amount of controversy
surrounding some types of attachment therapy, including holding therapy and
rebirthing (2004). These techniques are described as “coercive” and highly
criticized because they are used on children who have already experienced
physical abuse (2004). A child who has been physically abused would have
trouble distinguishing between holding therapy and the abuse they suffered.
Other attachment therapies include a focus on developing a bond with the
therapist or other caregivers (2004). Play therapy is another method that is
used in working with attachment disorder. It teaches the child better ways to
cope with stress and also involved “close, comforting bodily contact” (Haugaard
& Hazan, 2004).
While working with the child is
important, it is also very important to support and train those surrounding the
child to handle their specific therapeutic needs. Sadly most of those who are
tasked with parenting these children have no idea what they are dealing with.
What is most disturbing is the knowledge that if they were trained to handle
the children in their care with sensitivity, patience, and empathetic understanding,
the damage could be prevented or lessoned (Cole, 2005).
Cole, 2005 found that foster parents who
are trained to handle the special issues related to children in foster care
appear to be better able to aid children in the formation of a secure
attachment base. When parents are trained in what it takes to promote
attachment, they can utilize those actions to help children adjust to the break
in attachment and even promote healing (2005).
There are times when the child will
remain in contact with the offending parent. In these cases it is vital that
efforts are made to improve the relationship, although the child’s safety
should always remain most important (Haugaard & Hazan, 2004). If the goal
is reunification, the parent should participate in therapy sessions and perhaps
even get counseling for their therapeutic issues. It is unlikely that a
psychologically healthy parent would allow their child to end up in
circumstances that would lead to removal from the home. Aside from that, a
healthy parent is better able to nurture a healthy child.
There are many interventions within
the foster family environment that can aid in the healing and treatment of
attachment disorder. While knowledge of the disorder remains paramount, stress
in the home can drastically effect whether or not a child heals, or a foster
family is able to successfully care for the child (Haugaard & Hazan, 2004).
Foster families who are well cared for are better able to care for the children
in their home (Haugaard & Hazan, 2004).
Children within the foster care system
have a history of pathogenic care that causes them to be at an increased risk
for attachment disorder. Research shows a strong correlation between children
in foster care and attachment disorder. This is because the primary cause of
attachment disorder is pathogenic care. Children in foster care have
experienced this type of environment and have learned behaviors that helped
them to survive that once placed into a normal environment cause tremendous
upset in their lives.
The providers who work with these
children are oftentimes not prepared to handle these children and consequently
they are left untreated. Untreated attachment disorder leads to children
growing up with lifelong maladaptive behaviors that range in severity from mild
to life ending. Further research into diagnosis and treatment is needed to
develop a single and comprehensive assessment tool for attachment disorder as
well as determine a treatment model that can effectively treat our societies
most vulnerable children.
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