Thursday, July 07, 2016

To My Fellow White People

To My Fellow White people,

As the Black community and others spend today, and tomorrow, and however long they need grieving two more senseless murders of black men and raging against a society that allows it to continue, your first response will most likely be defensive..."But I'm not racist," "The man had a gun," doesn't matter. I am begging you to please resist that response. Please. I know many of you. I see your heart. I believe that it is well intentioned and good but it isn't about you and your heart, or me and mine. We aren't the ones being killed.

Please be an ally and advocate or be still. Please share their stories and join them in their protests. Please.

Your continued refusal to see beyond your own personal experiences to very clear facts, figures, and statistics allows for an atmosphere where ignorance prevails and people die. #altonsterling #philandocastile #blacklivesmatter

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