Throughout history society has largely ignored
the plight of the battered wife, oftentimes even blaming her for her plight
(Martin, 1976). In fact, Martin (1976) points out that many see the battered
wife as a conspirator with the “media, police, the social scientists, the
social reformers, and the social workers” to keep the issue of domestic
violence hidden. In primitive society women held an equal if not higher status
than their male counterparts (Martin, 1976). This changed however due largely
in part to the switch from polygamous lifestyles to a “pairing” based on
monogamy. Interestingly enough, even the speculation behind how and when spousal
abuse became the standard has consistently been attributed to women. Martin
(1976) reports that women’s desire for protection caused their complete
subjugation to men.
Once “pairing marriage” became the norm, men
took control of the home and all those within it were seen as his property
(Martin, 1976). It was common practice for women to be kidnapped from their
family and raped by men in order to claim them as late as the fifteenth century
(Martin, 1976). Women were beaten in order for the men to maintain control with
their actions sanctioned by society, the church, and sometimes the women
themselves. Men worked hard to incorporate their “inhumane attitudes into the
dominant culture” to maintain control and prevent themselves from taking
responsibility for their actions (Martin, 19676, p.29).
The Medieval times were racked by the continued
the belief that women were inferior largely supported by the Judeo Christian
doctrine and the church. Women were not only less than, but men were justified
in the actions they took to punish them. Things were not improved during the
sixteenth century with laws permitting women to be killed by their husbands
with zero repercussions. The methods by which they did so are repulsive and
include such acts as beating a woman, making her put on alcohol soaked clothing
and setting her on fire or burying her up to her head in the ground and leaving
her to die (Martin, 1976). Words like “pummel” or “throttle” were utilized to
glaze over the real description of what happens, “assault”, “abuse”, and
sometimes “murder” of women (Martin, 1976, p.6).
By the 1800’s in America rules began to be
placed on just how a wife could be beaten such as “with a switch no bigger than
a thumb” or restricting them to not causing any permanent injury (Martin,
1976). While that seems ludicrous that it would be progress, it is far better
than burning women alive. However, it was not until 1890 that the Supreme Court
of the United States made wife beating illegal under any circumstances.
Unfortunately, the creation of laws and the implementation of them were two
entirely different stories. It would not be until the late 1970’s, almost a
hundred years later that women began to have a voice.
In a 1976 women gathered in Brussels and
raised their collective voices to bring awareness to the victimization of women
around the world (1976). This voice was not quite loud enough to circumvent the
deeply embedded beliefs that women were somehow a separate and less than
species. In the late 1970s Walker (1979) presented previous research comparing
women who remained in abusive relationships to the learned helplessness
displayed by rats in earlier experiments. This is indicative of the mind set at
the time as women were not seen as complex beings but rather animal like
creatures responding to a stimulus ignoring their “agency, strength, and
determination”. Despite this, in was during the 1970’s that the victim rights
movement and rape and shelter crisis movements first started making headway
(Martin, 1976, p. 17).
While laws were created and women began to
have the right to press charges against their spouses, the actual
implementation of those laws was so complex that oftentimes they were not
enforced after. While society generally understands what assault and battery or
rape are crime and that laws exist to prevent them, there is a fundamental
break in the understanding that these things are not ok when occurring between
two people in marriage or a “loving” relationship (Martin, 1976).
The seventies also brought about much needed
research into the nature of abusive relationships such as Walker’s “Cycle of
Violence” (Walker, 1979)). Rather than looking at spousal abuse as a deserved
response to a woman’s actions, Walker (1979) described a pattern of consistent
behavior experienced within abusive relationships including: the tension
building phase, the acute battering incident, the honeymoon phase.” This was a
vital development as well because it gave an explanation as to why women stayed
that was not based on them not having any more sense than a rat.
In 1973 the first victim assistance conference
was conducted after which many domestic violence organizations were created
(Tobolowsky et al., 2010). This was followed by the 1981 proclamation of the
first Crime Victim’s Rights week by Regan and the creation of an investigation
group to look into the plight of victims. They found that violence against
women is primarily intimate partner violence with over 64% of those being
raped, physically assaulted, or stalked being victimized by their significant
other (National Institute of Justice, 2000).
While the outcomes were mixed, the 1970’s also
brought about a series of civil suits against police departments and cities for
a failure to enforce the laws protecting women (Jones, 2000). This lead to an
increased awareness on the plight of domestic violence victims which in turn
lead to more research. Sherman and Berk (1984) conducted the groundbreaking
Minneapolis Domestic Violence Experiment that looked into the effect arresting
those accused of domestic violence on deterring future acts of violence. Not
surprisingly they found that when police made an arrest as opposed to
separating the couple or offering mediation, offenders were less likely to
commit future acts (Sherman and Berk, 1984). Currently there is more of a
multidisciplinary approach to handling the issue of interpersonal violence and
how it is handled. Many states have created specialized domestic violence
courts consisting of state attorneys, civil attorneys from advocacy
organizations, as well as community and system advocates.
While progress has continued to be made, the
most recent important pieces of legislation was the 1994 Violence Against
Women’s Act (Office of Violence Against Women, 2014). This act created the
Office of Violence Against Women within the Justice Department and created
multiple federal domestic violence offences (OVAW, 2014). Traveling across
state lines to commit domestic violence, to stalk someone, or to violate a
protective order all became federal crimes (OVAW, 2014). This act was revised
and reauthorized multiple times in order to improve prevention efforts, legal
assistance programs and housing access as well as to improve protections for
those in the LGBTQ+ and immigrant community (National Network to End Domestic
Violence, 2016).
Even though Martin’s (1976) book was written
in the 1970’s it is vital to today because there continues to exist within our
world the common thread that while violent behavior may be illegal, “there are
certain circumstances in which it is expected and almost inevitably occurs” (p.
9). The work largely built a foundation on which the issue of domestic violence
could be investigated and understood.
It is also a reminder that while we have far
to go, we have made progress. At the time Martin’s book was written it was still
legal to rape your wife. Marital rape became illegal in all 50 states in 1993,
though it should be mentioned that many states still punish rape differently
depending on whether or not it occurred within a marital relationship. Gratefully
since the publication of Martin’s book women have continued to raise their
voices and demand and end to the violence and subjugation they have experienced
for centuries.
Jones, A. (2000). Next time, she’ll be dead: Battering and
how to stop it. Boston: Beacon Press
National Institute of
Justice (2000). Full report of the prevalence, incidence, and consequence of
violence against women. Retrieved from
Office of Violence Against
Women (2014). About the office. Retrieved from
National Network to End
Domestic Violence (2016). Violence against women act. Retrieved from
Sherman, L.W. and Berk,
R.A. (1984). The Minneapolis domestic violence experiment. Police foundation
reports. Washington, D.C.: Police Foundation. Retrieved from
Tobolowsky, P.M. et al.
(2010). Crime victim rights and remedies (2nd ed.). North Carolina:
Carolina Academic Press.
Walker, L.E. (1979). The battered woman. New York, NY:
Harper Perennial
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