Wednesday, June 17, 2020

You are Not My People

I stopped listening to the local christian radio station in East TN after the murder of thousands on September 11,2001. Why? Because they chose to fundraise for themselves when the need was absolutely and clearly elsewhere. Over and over again I remember hearing something to the effect of, we know Sept 11 just happened but this is our normal annual fundraiser time so....

So no. 

I would rather they had said nothing. I honestly do appreciate those of you who have chosen to be silent rather than invalidating or hurtful. 

I’ve stopped listening to many of you, and walked away from many others for the very same reason. 

I understand everyone has their passion and beliefs, I get that for you the largest impact may be getting called out and held accountable for social media posts, or a delay in traffic due to protests, but this is bigger than you, it is bigger than right now. When you blatantly ignore the trauma being experienced by those around you, you are not my people.

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