Monday, July 27, 2020

The Bravest Woman

To the Bravest Woman I Have Ever Met,

I met you today as you entered the ER at CMC. I sat horrified as staff simply wrapped a sheet around you and left you in the lobby and so I came over to you.
You may not remember me, but I will NEVER forget you. 

I am so grateful that you allowed me to sit with you. I stood amazed at your bravery and strength as with broken bones you helped nurses and myself remove the rest of your clothes and get you into bed.

I didn't know what to say but having laid in my own hospital bed with broken bones from swinging arms, I know there is nothing that can be said in those moments, except I am here. 

I am here and you are loved. You are beautiful and so very strong. Despite the brutality you endured, you survived. Through broken bones and blood you defied his very existence by breathing! 
I am in awe of you tonight. 

Please know you do not deserve what has happened to you. There is nothing that you could ever do to that would deserve the brutality you experienced today. Humans don't break other humans, monsters do. The magnificent thing is sweet friend that today you were bigger than the boogie man. 

The healing ahead will not be easy, but you have already done the most difficult, you survived. Wow what an amazingly strong woman you are. 

In that healing, please know I am here. I want to honor your strength by standing beside you and willing to help you overcome this. 



 Over and over again in my world I have found myself in pieces. Fault is irrelevant when the pieces cut me. And I’m a master craftsman. I ca...