Friday, August 28, 2020

Water Damage

I recently had someone post a meme asking why certain things, like pancake mix, movies, books, statues were not considered racist when Obama was president. The reality is, they were, they have been.

I kinda look at it this way. 

One day you walk across the floor and your foot falls through causing serious injury. 

What do you do next? Start looking around and under the floor. Start looking for factors that could have contributed to the floor rot. Start pulling up boards, finding those that are broken or damaged, and replacing them. 

Yes, maybe, you walked on that floor for a lifetime and never had a problem, but now you do. 

Yes, water is wonderful. Water in the wrong place can be dangerous.

Yes, floors are necessary, but a floor that has shown itself to be dangerous must be fixed.

You can’t ignore it because you love water. You can’t ignore it because the many other people who walked on the floor were not injured. 

You cannot ignore it because others knew it was dangerous and walked around.

You just have to fix the floor. When you know better, you do better. 

1 comment:

  1. Such beautifully written. And the information provided is very useful. Thanks for sharing such an informative and interesting article. Check this out too water damage restoration havertown.Thanks!



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